Fat Burning Full Body Workout: 8 Minutes


If you are pressed for time and still want to get in a quick full body workout today is your lucky day.  I have just the workout for you.  This workout uses the Lebert Equalizer (pink bars in the picture).  Your heart will be pumping and you will be burning fat everywhere.

To really kick it up you can use this as an add-on to any workout.  I call that a Metabolic Fat Blast.  This style workout will have you burning calories and fat for hours after the workout.

Timer: I used my i-phone and downloaded the app “Interval Timer”.  I set it for a 10 second warm-up, then 16 intervals of 20 seconds high intensity and 10 seconds low intensity.

Don’t have any equipment?  No worries and No excuses – Here are alternatives for doing this without the bars.
-Use a sofa back, table, or counter for the push-up exercise
-2 pairs of shoes spread out for the agility exercise,
-Table for pull-ups (see my video on the Tabata anywhere workout for a demo)
-Light Hand Weights (2-5lbs each) for the slam exercise

Now it’s your turn to give this workout a go and let me know how you like it.  You can leave a comment or question down below.