6 Benefits of Sweat

Living in Middle Georgia, in August, I can tell you that sweating comes easily to us all. But did you know that there are many benefits to sweating? Of course, the most benefits come when working out.

Sweating isn’t just there to cool your body during a workout, it is an integral part of body’s mechanics. These days, we have the benefits of air conditioning, comfortable chairs and rows of restaurants. Our body is geared to have exercise as part of the process of acquiring food. It allows things like fat and sodium to be burned and released instead of stored and absorbed.

Today in the video above, I decided to try an experiment of combining the workout with a bit of training about the benefits of sweating. If you keep up, you will be sweating in no time as we learn together.

I am old enough to remember fitness guru Richard Simmons sweating to 50’s and 60’s music. It seems he was right, that sweating is always a good way to know you are moving and getting work done.

While there are many, I am focusing on 6 specific benefits to sweating.

1. Detoxing – Sweating is the most efficient way to get rid of toxins. After an evening of over-indulgence the next day you can literally sweat out many of the side effects of a hangover. While not at the top of everyone’s list, it illustrates how your body deals with toxins. Beyond juicing and other fad-type cleanses and diets, sweating is the number one way to eliminate alcohol, cholesterol and certain types of salt from your body. Sweating through your workout will do this more efficiently and is safe to do all the time.

2. Skin Cleanser – Sweating is an excellent way to maintain better skin. You are cleaning it from the inside out. You will find that the more you workout and produce sweat, the clearer and more glowing your skin becomes. Imagine trying clean a dirty glass by only washing it from outside. You have to flush out dirt and oil on the inside and push it out. Sweating opens up your pores and helps to expel grease, grime and dirt. It’s that grease grime and dirt that leads to the formation of zits. In this way, sweating provides the most effective, least-harmful way to clear up your skin.

3. Fights Infections – It’s back to school time and the germ fest has begun. Sweating actually helps fight infection. As we sweat, we are cleaning out the impurities and sending them on their way. Whether it is increasing the PH level of our skin or simply keeping our body operating like well oil machine, sweating can keep you healthier.

4. Acts as a Pain Reliever – Always check with your doctor before you do any strenuous exercises. I am not a doctor, but I do know that when you workout to a point when you are building up a sweat, you are releasing endorphins into your bloodstream. These hormones, which are released by the brain during intense exercise and sweating, have been shown to act as natural pain relievers.  One study, published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, sought to examine the role of aerobic exercise in reducing pain. Researchers measured the effects of aerobic exercise on 12 healthy men and women, finding that pain ratings were significantly reduced after exercising for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, this pain-numbing effect wore off around half an hour after completing the exercise. This means that you need to exercise on a regular basis to keep pain in check this way. But if that’s not motivation to strap on your gym shoes, I don’t know what is!

5 – Improves your Sex Drive – So many things change our mood, motivation and interests. Antidepressants and other medications can take away from that natural affection we have for our significant others. Working up a sweat releases endorphins and gets your body chemistry moving again. Then those familiar feelings rekindle emotions and we let those animal instincts take over.

6 – Mood enhancer – Yes, sweating that results from an intense workout increases your mood. It’s the best antidepressant I have ever needed. All those endorphins kick in and they affect you for days following. These drugs that our doctors prescribe are tools to stimulate the chemicals that are in our bodies. Working out will introduce those chemical while you sweat. Many of my clients have been worked with their doctors to decrease their medications as their bodies naturally produce the same results.

The proof is in the smiles after the sweat! Believe it! Exercise puts you in a better mood. But before you think that tiny dumb bells or casual walks can give you happiness, be aware that you have to SWEAT with heavier weight training or cardio to get the real benefit.

So what are you waiting for? Get up, get moving and start sweating.

-Alli Kerr

I almost forgot to tell you that we are starting a NEW 28 Day Rocking Body Challenge at The Pink Physique on Monday, August 21.  I love to help ladies change their lives and this challenge is a great way to start! You can find all of the details of our 28 Day Rocking Body Challenge here.  Hurry on over to reserve your spot in the challenge.  Only 20 spots available!