4 Best Moves for a Tight Butt & Thighs (TRX Workout)

Who needs a tighter butt?  The majority of us do.  Because we do so much sitting on our butts the muscles there get weak and droopy.  The muscles on the front side of our body get too tight.  This imbalance can lead to posture and joint issues.  Let’s get up off our butts and lose the droopy!

I put together a Super Quick 4 Minute Tabata Workout with the Best Moves to Tighten the Butt & Thighs.  In this workout I use the TRX straps.  If you have never used the TRX or want to learn how I will show you here.

*Tip: For most standing leg exercises using the TRX it is important to NOT pull on the straps.  Pulling on the straps engages the arms muscles and allows the legs and hips to do less work.  I call it “cheating”. To get maximum butt & thigh tightening pay extra attention and make sure the butt and thighs are doing all the work and the arms are just along for the ride.

Here is your Quick 4 Minute Workout with the Best Butt & Thigh Moves.  Enjoy!

Don’t forget to leave me a question or comment below.  I would love to know your #1 Trouble Area and I will give you exercises to get you out of trouble!

Until Next Time