Chin-ups/Pull-ups Breaking Down the Goal

Perseverance-  Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Everyone’s fitness journey is full of ups and downs. I was working on my chin-ups recently and experienced this first hand. I started with 4 chin ups and moved up to six but then fell down to 5 and I stayed there for a few days. Over the month the number of pull-ups rose and fell but eventually, I made it to my goal which was 10 chin-ups.

I have to admit that those last few were pretty pitiful chin-ups and it didn’t leave me with the feeling of satisfaction I had hoped for. I’m going to have to work on that same challenge again in 2018 so that I can get stronger and be happy with the result.

The lesson in this is to persevere, to keep on keeping on.  We can’t let small setbacks completely throw us off track and defeat us. There are going to be setbacks. There are going to be hurdles to jump over and things that get in our way but it’s up to us to push forward towards our goals. If we find in the end that we didn’t meet our goal or do as well as we wanted we can always revisit it later.

What is your goal and what are you going to do to reach it?
