Belly Flattening Ab Workout

When you’re out of shape starting a new fitness routine can be hard. You might feel embarrassed by your body, or perhaps you don’t even know where to begin. Don’t let your lack of experience or know-how prevent you from adopting a healthier lifestyle, though.  Taking that first step to a fitter and healthier you may not be as difficult as you may believe.

The abdominal area is a great place to start and one that I often get asked about by the ladies who come into my office for the first time.  I’ve taken some time to put together a video filled with ab exercises that are perfect for the beginner and I also offer more advanced versions for those of you who may have already been at this for a while. Remember, it isn’t about doing the most advanced of the exercises but just doing SOMETHING to get you started.

Since the activities that we all do every day require our core muscles, I want to share with you some of the benefits of strengthening the core muscles.

  • Reduce Back Pain- Core strength makes people more mindful of performing daily movements such as lifting a box, gardening, or sitting at a desk correctly since maintaining a straight spine becomes a subconscious reflex over time.
  • Improve Posture-  Core-strengthening exercises work all of the muscles of the torso helping you stand tall with your limbs in alignment. By improving posture you decrease your risk of disc herniation and vertebrae degeneration.
  • Balance and Stability- Your core stabilizes your body allowing you to stand in one spot without losing your balance thus lessening your risk of falling.

I hope you find this helpful and encouraging.  Remember, you don’t have to be the person in the room that can do the most push ups or the girl that can run the marathon in order to be a healthier person. You just have to start somewhere.

Wishing you the best,